Chu, M, Bao, R, Strasser, M, Ikehara, K, Ding, Y, Liu, K, Liu, M, Xu, L, Wang, Y, Bellanova, P, Rasbury, T, Kölling, M, Riedinger, N, Luo, M, März, C, Jitsuno, K, Cai, Z, McHugh, C and Druffel, E (2025) Removal of dissolved organic carbon in the West Pacific hadal zones. Nature Communications, 16(1). doi:10.1038/s41467-025-55883-1
Jitsuno, K, Hoshino, T, Nishikawa, Y, Kogawa, M, Mineta, K, Strasser, M, Ikehara, K, Everest, J, Maeda, L, Inagaki, F, Takeyama, H, Bellanova, P, Brunet, M, Cai, Z, Cattaneo, A, Hochmuth, K, Hsiung, K, Ishizawa, T, Itaki, T, Jitsuno, K, Johnson, J, Kanamatsu, T, Keep, M, Kioka, A, Maerz, C, McHugh, C, Micallef, A, Min, L, Pandey, D, Proust, JN, Rasbury, T, Riedinger, N, Bao, R, Satoguchi, Y, Sawyer, D, Seibert, C, Silver, M, Straub, S, Virtasalo, J, Wang, Y, Wu, TW, Zellers, S, Kölling, M, Huang, JJS and Nagahashi, Y (2024) Comparative single-cell genomics of Atribacterota JS1 in the Japan Trench hadal sedimentary biosphere. mSphere. doi:10.1128/msphere.00337-23
Strasser, M, Ikehara, K, Everest, J, Maeda, L, Hochmuth, K, Grant, H, Stewart, M, Okutsu, N, Sakurai, N, Yokoyama, T, Bao, R, Bellanova, P, Brunet, M, Cai, Z, Cattaneo, A, Hsiung, KH, Huang, JJ, Ishizawa, T, Itaki, T, Jitsuno, K, Johnson, JE, Kanamatsu, T, Keep, M, Kioka, A, Kölling, M, Luo, M, März, C, McHugh, C, Micallef, A, Nagahashi, Y, Pandey, DK, Proust, JN, Rasbury, ET, Riedinger, N, Satoguchi, Y, Sawyer, DE, Seibert, C, Silver, M, Straub, SM, Virtasalo, J, Wang, Y, Wu, TW and Zellers, SD (2023) Expedition 386 summary. In: Strasser, M, Ikehara, K, Everest, J and Expedition 386 Scientists (eds.) Japan Trench Paleoseismology. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 386. International Ocean Discovery Program. doi:10.14379/iodp.proc.386.101.2023
Chu, M, Bao, R, Strasser, M, Ikehara, K, Everest, J, Maeda, L, Hochmuth, K, Xu, L, McNichol, A, Bellanova, P, Rasbury, T, Kölling, M, Riedinger, N, Johnson, J, Luo, M, März, C, Straub, S, Jitsuno, K, Brunet, M, Cai, Z, Cattaneo, A, Hsiung, K, Ishizawa, T, Itaki, T, Kanamatsu, T, Keep, M, Kioka, A, McHugh, C, Micallef, A, Pandey, D, Proust, JN, Satoguchi, Y, Sawyer, D, Seibert, C, Silver, M, Virtasalo, J, Wang, Y, Wu, TW and Zellers, S (2023) Earthquake-enhanced dissolved carbon cycles in ultra-deep ocean sediments. Nature Communications, 14(1). doi:10.1038/s41467-023-41116-w
Cornard, PH, Moernaut, J, Moore, GF, Kioka, A, Kopf, AJ, dos Santos Ferreira, C and Strasser, M (2022) Sequence stratigraphic evolution of the Kumano forearc basin during the last deglaciation: Influence of eustasy and tectonically-controlled shelf morphology on deep-marine sediment dynamics. Sedimentary Geology, 430. 106100. doi:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2022.106100
Sammartini, M, Moernaut, J, Kopf, AJ, Stegmann, S, Fabbri, SC, Anselmetti, FS and Strasser, M (2021) Propagation of frontally confined subaqueous landslides: Insights from combining geophysical, sedimentological, and geotechnical analysis. Sedimentary Geology, 416. 105877. doi:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2021.105877
Kioka, A, Schwestermann, T, Moernaut, J, Ikehara, K, Kanamatsu, T, McHugh, CM, dos Santos Ferreira, C, Wiemer, G, Haghipour, N, Kopf, AJ, Eglinton, TI and Strasser, M (2019) Megathrust earthquake drives drastic organic carbon supply to the hadal trench. Scientific Reports, 9(1). doi:10.1038/s41598-019-38834-x
Lackey, JK, Moore, GF, Strasser, M, Kopf, AJ and Ferreira, C (2018) Spatial and temporal cross-cutting relationships between fault structures and slope failures along the outer Kumano Basin and Nankai accretionary wedge, SW Japan. Geological Society, London, Special Publications. SP477.10. doi:10.1144/SP477.10
Bao, R, Strasser, M, McNichol, AP, Haghipour, N, McIntyre, C, Wefer, G and Eglinton, TI (2018) Tectonically-triggered sediment and carbon export to the Hadal zone. Nature Communications, 9(1). doi:10.1038/s41467-017-02504-1
Laberg, JS, Strasser, M, Alves, TM, Gao, S, Kawamura, K, Kopf, AJ and Moore, GF (2017) Internal deformation of a muddy gravity flow and its interaction with the seafloor (site C0018 of IODP Expedition 333, Nankai Trough, SE Japan). Landslides, 14(3). 849-860. doi:10.1007/s10346-016-0766-7
Strupler, M, Hilbe, M, Anselmetti, FS, Kopf, AJ, Fleischmann, T and Strasser, M (2017) Probabilistic stability evaluation and seismic triggering scenarios of submerged slopes in Lake Zurich (Switzerland). Geo-Marine Letters, 37(3). 241-258. doi:10.1007/s00367-017-0492-8
Strasser, M, Kopf, AJ, Abegg, F, Asada, M, Bachmann, AK, Cuno, P, Dos Santos Ferreira, C, Fleischmann, T, Fujiware, T, Hatakeyama, E, Heesemann, BR, Hillman, JIT, Hoehne, M, Huusmann, H, Ikari, MJ, Ikehara, K, Jaeger, FD, Kanamatsu, T, Kang, MH, Kaul, NE, Kioka, A, Kölling, M, Lange, K, Luebben, N, Matthiessen, T, Mchugh, CM, Meier, A, Menapace, W, Mochizuki, K, Moernaut, J, Molenaar, AW, Moore, GF, Mu, LJ, Nakano, Y, Pieper, M, Rex, MLPA, Usami, K, Wiemer, G and Yamaguchi, A (2017) Report and preliminary results of R/V SONNE cruise SO251, Extreme events Archived in the GEological Record of Japan's Subduction margins (EAGER-Japan), Leg A SO251-1, Yokohama - Yokohama, 04.10.2016 – 15.10.2016, Leg B SO251- 2, Yokohama - Yokohama, 18.10.2016 – 02.11.2016. Berichte, MARUM – Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen, 318. 1-217. urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-00106515-12
Fujiwara, T, dos Santos Ferreira, C, Bachmann, AK, Strasser, M, Wefer, G, Sun, T, Kanamatsu, T and Kodaira, S (2017) Seafloor displacement after the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake in the northern Japan Trench examined by repeated bathymetric surveys. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(23). 11,833-11,839. doi:10.1002/2017GL075839
Moernaut, J, Wiemer, G, Reusch, A, Stark, N, de Batist, M, Urrutia, R, Ladrón de Guevara, B, Kopf, AJ and Strasser, M (2017) The influence of overpressure and focused fluid flow on subaquatic slope stability in a formerly glaciated basin: Lake Villarrica (South-Central Chile). Marine Geology, 383. 35-54. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2016.11.012
Ikehara, K, Kanamatsu, T, Nagahashi, Y, Strasser, M, Fink, HG, Usami, K, Irino, T and Wefer, G (2016) Documenting large earthquakes similar to the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake from sediments deposited in the Japan Trench over the past 1500 years. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 445. 48-56. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.04.009
Loher, M, Reusch, A and Strasser, M (2016) Long-term pockmark maintenance by fluid seepage and subsurface sediment mobilization - sedimentological investigations in Lake Neuchâtel. Sedimentology, 63(5). 1168-1186. doi:10.1111/sed.12255
Reusch, A, Loher, M, Bouffard, D, Moernaut, J, Hellmich, F, Anselmetti, FS, Bernasconi, SM, Hilbe, M, Kopf, AJ, Lilley, MD, Meinecke, G and Strasser, M (2015) Giant lacustrine pockmarks with subaqueous groundwater discharge and subsurface sediment mobilization. Geophysical Research Letters, 42(9). 3465-3473. doi:10.1002/2015GL064179
Wiemer, G, Moernaut, J, Stark, N, Kempf, P, de Batist, M, Pino, M, Urrutia, R, de Guevara, BL, Strasser, M and Kopf, AJ (2015) The role of sediment composition and behavior under dynamic loading conditions on slope failure initiation: a study of a subaqueous landslide in earthquake-prone South-Central Chile. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 104(5). 1439-1457. doi:10.1007/s00531-015-1144-8
Fink, HG, Strasser, M, Römer, M, Kölling, M, Ikehara, K, Kanamatsu, T, Dinten, D, Kioka, A, Fujiwara, T, Kawamura, K, Kodaira, S and Wefer, G (2014) Evidence for mass transport deposits at the IODP JFAST-Site in the Japan Trench. In: Krastel, S, Behrmann, JH, Völker, D, Stipp, M, Berndt, C, Urgeles, R, Chaytor, J, Huhn, K, Strasser, M and Bonnevie Harbitz, C (eds.) Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 37. Springer International Publishing, 33-43. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-00972-8_4
Kuhlmann, J, Asioli, A, Strasser, M, Trincardi, F and Huhn, K (2014) Integrated stratigraphic and morphological investigation of the Twin Slide complex offshore Southern Sicily. In: Krastel, S, Behrmann, JH, Völker, D, Stipp, M, Berndt, C, Urgeles, R, Chaytor, J, Huhn, K, Strasser, M and Harbitz, CB (eds.) Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences: 6th International Symposium. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 37. Springer International Publishing, 583-594. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-00972-8_52
Ai, F, Strasser, M, Preu, B, Hanebuth, TJJ, Krastel, S and Kopf, AJ (2014) New constraints on oceanographic vs. seismic control on submarine landslide initiation: a geotechnical approach off Uruguay and northern Argentina. Geo-Marine Letters, 34(5). 399-417. doi:10.1007/s00367-014-0373-3
Wefer, G, Strasser, M, Besuden, E, Büttner, H, Diekamp, V, Dinten, D, dos Santos Ferreira, C, Fink, HG, Franke, P, Fujiwara, T, Geprägs, P, Ikehara, K, Ishitsuka, K, Kanamatsu, T, Kawamura, K, Kimura, T, Kioka, A, Kitada, K, Klar, S, Kölling, M, Kopiske, E, Mai, HA, Marcon, Y, Meinecke, G, Meyer, P, Osada, Y, Podszun, L, Ratmeyer, V, Renken, J, Römer, M, Sato, T, Schmidt, W, Seiter, C, Wangenheim, L and Zarrouk, M (2014) Report and preliminary results of R/V SONNE Cruise SO219A, Tohoku-Oki Earthquake - Japan Trench, Yokohama - Yokohama, 08.03.2012 - 06.04.2012. Berichte, MARUM – Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen, 301. urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-00103574-16
Ai, F, Kuhlmann, J, Huhn, K, Strasser, M and Kopf, AJ (2014) Submarine slope stability assessment of the central Mediterranean continental margin: the Gela Basin. In: Krastel, S, Behrmann, JH, Völker, D, Stipp, M, Berndt, C, Urgeles, R, Chaytor, J, Huhn, K, Strasser, M and Harbitz, CB (eds.) Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences: 6th International Symposium. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 37. Springer International Publishing, 225-236. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-00972-8_20
Krastel, S, Lehr, J, Winkelmann, D, Schwenk, T, Preu, B, Strasser, M, Wynn, RB, Georgiopoulou, A and Hanebuth, TJJ (2013) Mass Wasting Along Atlantic Continental Margins: A Comparison Between NW-Africa and the de la Plata River Region (Northern Argentina and Uruguay). In: Krastel, S, Behrmann, JH, Völker, D, Berndt, C, Urgeles, R, Chaytor, J, Huhn, K, Strasser, M and Harbitz, CB (eds.) Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. Springer International Publishing, 459-469. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-00972-8_41
Fischer, D, Mogollón, JM, Strasser, M, Pape, T, Bohrmann, G, Fekete, N, Spiess, V and Kasten, S (2013) Subduction zone earthquake as potential trigger of submarine hydrocarbon seepage. Nature Geoscience, 6(8). 647-651. doi:10.1038/ngeo1886
Strasser, M, Kölling, M, dos Santos Ferreira, C, Fink, HG, Fujiwara, T, Henkel, S, Ikehara, K, Kanamatsu, T, Kawamura, K, Kodaira, S, Römer, M, Wefer, G, R/V Sonne Cruise SO219A scientists and JAMSTEC Cruise MR12-E01 scientists (2013) A slump in the trench: Tracking the impact of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. Geology, 41(8). 935-938. doi:10.1130/G34477.1
Henkel, S, Schwenk, T, Hanebuth, TJJ, Strasser, M, Riedinger, N, Formolo, MJ, Arnold, GL, Tomasini, J, Krastel, S and Kasten, S (2012) Pore water geochemistry as a tool for identifying and dating young mass-transport deposits. In: Yamada, Y, Kawamura, K, Ikehara, K, Ogawa, Y, Urgeles, R, Mosher, DC, Chaytor, J and Strasser, M (eds.) Submarine mass movements and their consequences IV. 5th International Symposium. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 31(1). Springer Netherlands, 87-97. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-2162-3_8
Wiemer, G, Reusch, A, Strasser, M, Kreiter, S, Otto, D, Mörz, T and Kopf, AJ (2012) Static and Cyclic Shear Strenght of Cohesive and Non-cohesive Sediments. In: Yamada, Y, Kawamura, K, Ikehara, K, Ogawa, Y, Urgeles, R, Mosher, D, Chaytor, J and Strasser, M (eds.) Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. Springer, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York, 111-122. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-2162-3_10
Sakaguchi, A, Kimura, G, Strasser, M, Screaton, EJ, Curewitz, D and Murayama, M (2011) Episodic seafloor mud brecciation due to great subduction zone earthquakes. Geology, 39(10). 919-922. doi:10.1130/G32043.1
Strasser, M, Hilbe, M and Anselmetti, FS (2011) Mapping basin-wide subaquatic slope failure susceptibility as a tool to assess regional seismic and tsunami hazards. Marine Geophysical Researches, 32(1-2). 331-347. doi:10.1007/s11001-010-9100-2
Krastel, S, Wefer, G, Hanebuth, TJJ, Antobreh, AA, Freudenthal, T, Preu, B, Schwenk, T, Strasser, M, Violante, R, Winkelmann, D and M78/3 Shipboard Scientific Party (2011) Sediment Dynamics and Geohazards off Uruguay and the de la Plata River region (Northern-Argentina, Uruguay). Geo-Marine Letters, 31(4). 271-283. doi:10.1007/s00367-011-0232-4
Strasser, M, Moore, GF, Kimura, G, Kopf, AJ, Underwood, MB, Guo, J and Screaton, EJ (2011) Slumping and mass transport deposition in the Nankai fore arc: Evidence from IODP drilling and 3-D reflection seismic data. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 12. Q0AD13. doi:10.1029/2010GC003431
Kimura, G, Moore, GF, Strasser, M, Screaton, EJ, Curewitz, D, Streiff, C and Tobin, HJ (2011) Spatial and temporal evolution of the megasplay fault in the Nankai Trough. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 12. Q0A008. doi:10.1029/2010GC003335
Ikari, MJ, Strasser, M, Saffer, DM and Kopf, AJ (2011) Submarine landslide potential near the megasplay fault at the Nankai subduction zone. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 312(3-4). 453-462. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.10.024
Henkel, S, Strasser, M, Schwenk, T, Hanebuth, TJJ, Hüsener, J, Arnold, GL, Winkelmann, D, Formolo, MJ, Tomasini, J, Krastel, S and Kasten, S (2011) An interdisciplinary investigation of a recent submarine mass transport deposit at the continental margin off Uruguay. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 12. Q08009. doi:10.1029/2011GC003669
Riedinger, N, Brunner, B, Formolo, MJ, Solomon, E, Kasten, S, Strasser, M and Ferdelman, TG (2010) Oxidative sulfur cycling in the deep biosphere of the Nankai Trough, Japan. Geology, 38(9). 851-854. doi:10.1130/G31085.1
Strozyk, F, Strasser, M, Krastel, S, Meyer, M and Huhn, K (2010) Reconstruction of retreating mass wasting in response to progressive slope steepening of the northeastern Cretan margin, eastern Mediterranean. Marine Geology, 271(1-2). 44-54. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2010.01.008
Strozyk, F, Strasser, M, Förster, A, Kopf, AJ and Huhn, K (2010) Slope failure repetition in active margin environments: Constraints from submarine landslides in the Hellenic fore arc, eastern Mediterranean. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115(B8). B08103. doi:10.1029/2009JB006841
Strasser, M (2010) Towards assessing geo-hazards from submarine landslides: Some past and future perspectives. In: Kawamura, K (ed.) Submarine Landslides and their consequences. Monthly Chikyu, 81-91.
Screaton, E, Kimura, G, Curewitz, D, Moore, G, Chester, F, Fabbri, O, Fergusson, CL, Girault, F, Goldsby, D, Harris, R, Inagaki, F, Jiang, T, Kitamura, Y, Knuth, M, Li, CF, Claesson Liljedahl, L, Louis, L, Milliken, K, Nicholson, U, Riedinger, N, Sakaguchi, A, Solomon, E, Strasser, M, Su, X, Tsutsumi, A, Yamaguchi, A, Ujiie, K and Zhao, X (2009) Interactions between deformation and fluids in the frontal thrust region of the NanTroSEIZE transect offshore the Kii Peninsula, Japan: Results from IODP Expedition 316 Sites C0006 and C0007. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 10(12). Q0AD01. doi:10.1029/2009GC002713
Strasser, M, Moore, GF, Kimura, G, Kitamura, Y, Kopf, AJ, Lallemant, SJ, Park, JO, Screaton, EL, Su, X, Underwood, MB and Zhao, X (2009) Origin and evolution of a splay fault in the Nankai accretionary wedge. Nature Geoscience, 2. 648-652. doi:10.1038/ngeo609